;Cal. Attic ;l´année grecque habituelle comportait 12 mois d´alternativement 29 et 30 jours, elle avait donc "seulement" 354 jours. Elle dérive donc très rapidement par rapport à notre calendrier. De plus, elle commençait à la première nouvelle lune après le solstice d´été ce qui rajoute des fluctuations par rapport à notre calendrier. Pour recadrer leur année sur le cycle des saisons les grecs ajoutaient périodiquement un mois de 30 jours entre les sixième et septième mois habituels. Il ne peut donc pas y avoir de correspondance linéaire entre notre année moderne de 365 ou 366 jours et l´année grecque antique de 354 ou 384 jours. - http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tharg%C3%A9lion ;The year began with the first visibility of the crescent after the first new moon after summer solstice. .. In a leap year, Poseideon was repeated as intercalary month in 13-month years. ;For a syntax description see PTBSync Help! ;If you find an error please contact: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com LANGUAGE=UTF8 IMAGE=Holiday_days.gif COMMENT=Updated July 11, 2014 \nAttic (Greek lunar) calendar \nfestive days see: Cal. Attic-days ;Summer (Θέρος) 22.6.+1Nm =1st day Hecatombion (Eκατομβαιών), New Year (Attic calendar) ;Note=1st month, 1st New Moon after Summer Solstice 22.6.+2Nm =1st day Metageitnion (Μεταγειτνιών, Attic calendar) ;Note=2nd month 22.6.+3Nm =1st day Boedromion (Βοηδρομιών, Attic calendar) ;Note=3rd month ;Autumn (Φθινόπωρον) 22.6.+4Nm =1st day Pyanepsion (Πυανεψιών, Attic calendar) ;Note=4th month 22.6.+5Nm =1st day Maimakterion (Μαιμακτηριών, Attic calendar) ;Note=5th month 22.6.+6Nm =1st day Poseidon (Ποσειδεών, Attic calendar) ;Note=6th month 22.6.+7Nm<1801 =1st day 7th (Gamelion, Γαμηλιών) OR intercalary month (Poseidon II, Ποσειδεών II) (Attic calendar) ;Note=eventual extra month to keep 1st day 1st month on 1st New Moon after Summer Solstice 22.6.%1801,19+7Nm =1st day Gamelion (Γαμηλιών, Attic calendar) ;Note=7th month 22.6.%1802,19+7Nm =1st day Poseidon II (Ποσειδεών II, Attic calendar) ;Note=extra month to keep 1st day 1st month on 1st New Moon after Summer Solstice 22.6.%1803,19+7Nm =1st day Gamelion (Γαμηλιών, Attic calendar) ;Note=7th month 22.6.%1804,19+7Nm =1st day Gamelion (Γαμηλιών, Attic calendar) ;Note=7th month 22.6.%1805,19+7Nm =1st day Poseidon II (Ποσειδεών II, Attic calendar) ;Note=extra month to keep 1st day 1st month on 1st New Moon after Summer Solstice 22.6.%1806,19+7Nm =1st day Gamelion (Γαμηλιών, Attic calendar) ;Note=7th month 22.6.%1807,19+7Nm =1st day Gamelion (Γαμηλιών, Attic calendar) ;Note=7th month 22.6.%1808,19+7Nm =1st day Poseidon II (Ποσειδεών II, Attic calendar) ;Note=extra month to keep 1st day 1st month on 1st New Moon after Summer Solstice 22.6.%1809,19+7Nm =1st day Gamelion (Γαμηλιών, Attic calendar) ;Note=7th month 22.6.%1810,19+7Nm =1st day Poseidon II (Ποσειδεών II, Attic calendar) ;Note=extra month to keep 1st day 1st month on 1st New Moon after Summer Solstice 22.6.%1811,19+7Nm =1st day Gamelion (Γαμηλιών, Attic calendar) ;Note=7th month 22.6.%1812,19+7Nm =1st day Gamelion (Γαμηλιών, Attic calendar) ;Note=7th month 22.6.%1813,19+7Nm =1st day Poseidon II (Ποσειδεών II, Attic calendar) ;Note=extra month to keep 1st day 1st month on 1st New Moon after Summer Solstice 22.6.%1814,19+7Nm =1st day Gamelion (Γαμηλιών, Attic calendar) ;Note=7th month 22.6.%1815,19+7Nm =1st day Gamelion (Γαμηλιών, Attic calendar) ;Note=7th month 22.6.%1816,19+7Nm =1st day Poseidon II (Ποσειδεών II, Attic calendar) ;Note=extra month to keep 1st day 1st month on 1st New Moon after Summer Solstice 22.6.%1817,19+7Nm =1st day Gamelion (Γαμηλιών, Attic calendar) ;Note=7th month 22.6.%1818,19+7Nm =1st day Gamelion (Γαμηλιών, Attic calendar) ;Note=7th month 22.6.%1819,19+7Nm =1st day Poseidon II (Ποσειδεών II, Attic calendar) ;Note=extra month to keep 1st day 1st month on 1st New Moon after Summer Solstice ;Winter (Χεiμα) 22.6.-6Nm =1st day Gamelion (Γαμηλιών, Attic calendar) ;Note=7th month 22.6.-5Nm =1st day Anthesterion (Aνθεστηριών, Attic calendar) ;Note=8th month 22.6.-4Nm =1st day Elaphabolion (Eλαφηβολιών, Attic calendar) ;Note=9th month ;Spring (Eαρ) 22.6.-3Nm =1st day Mounichion (Μουνιχιών, Attic calendar) ;Note=10th month 22.6.-2Nm =1st day Thargelion (Θαργηλιών, Attic calendar) ;Note=11th month 22.6.-1Nm =1st day Skirophorion (Σκιροφοριών, Attic calendar) ;Note=12th month ;These entries were added by: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com - http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ ;On http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ you find a library of additional files for PTBSync ;The abbreviations {d} {m} {e} {y} ... are explained on http://users.telenet.be/wdew/Basis%20PTB/BasisEN.htm ;http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calendrier_attique ;http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attische_kalender ;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attic_calendar ;http://www.schooloftheseasons.com/ ;http://www.ortelius.de/kalender/greek_en.php